In this issue there are gathered several texts from Jewish and Christians authors. Each text starts from a verse or a passage of the Old or New Testament. Leo Michel Abrami highlights the message of the Decalogue and Hervé Elie Bokobza proposes a Jewish reading of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Bernadette Escaffre and Lise Monique Cohen, studying the relationship between “blood” and “alliance” (the second being sealed in the blood of the offered victim, Ex 24.8) question the meaning of the verse “Let his blood be on us and on our children !” (Mt 27.5), which is linked, for the writer of the Gospel, to the establishment of the “New Covenant”.
Three shorter texts complete the file. Br. Immanouel Castel imagines, from the story of Jacob and Esau, a tale about the conditions of a fraternal meeting ; Fr. Etienne Nodet, starting with Paul and John, questions the possibility of evangelization without apologetics. Fr. Jean Massonnet, relying on the Second Vatican Council, invites the Catholic Church to take seriously the living Jewish tradition in order to avoid false missteps contrary to the spirit of the Amitié judéo-chrétienne.
The issue includes a long review of Maurice-Ruben Hayoun’s book on Wagner et l’antisémitisme and a series of reviews of books on the Holocaust.
In French : summary